Geotech Master™

NEW RELEASE (October 13, 2024), operations improvements

NEW RELEASE (March 29, 2024), adds design of cantilever walls

NEW RELEASE (January 3, 2024), adds design of gravity walls

NEW RELEASE (November 6, 2023), adds design of helical piles

If you are a Geotechnical Engineer, Geotech Master™ SHOULD be your calculator.

If you are a Structural Engineer, Geotech Master™ HELPS YOU check and understand the level of conservatism of the geotechnical report that you have received. Geotech Master™  works both with METRIC (kN, m) and TRADITIONAL USA (lbs., ft.) unitsO

Geotech Master™ DEMO

The demo version of Geotech Master is fully functional, but works on a fixed soil profile.  On the fixed soil profile, you can design a footing, a pile, a drilled shaft, a pile group, a drilled shaft group, and a sheet pile wall with or without anchors.  You can also examine the performance of a footing or a pile, or a drilled shaft on an expansive soil.  Finally, you can design a slope and examine its stability.  You can directly download the demo version by clicking the button “Download Demo”.

If you wish to experiment with your own geotechnical profiles, based on your own borehole data and tests, you need to have a temporary license to the DEMO.   Please click the button below, to request a valid license for three weeks. This will enable the DEMO version to  produce a complete geotechnical design on any soil profile that you define.

After you download and install the software, please select the menu option: Help|Quick Start

This will provide basic guidance on the operation of the software.  It will expedite your learning process, help you understand how to operate the software and what you can expect from it.

How does Geotech Master™ work?

Geotech Master™ Input: Common borehole data, such as soil type, and Standard Penetration Test (SPT) blow counts, and of soil index parameters, such as soil classification, water content, and Atterberg limits. Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) data may also be provided if available.

Geotech Master™ Output:
  • Soil strength parameters (c, φ, compressibility indices, swelling indices).
  • Bearing capacity and settlement of shallow foundations, including the effects of lateral and eccentric loads. It is that simple, and it can be generated in just a few minutes.
  • Structural design recommendations of the shallow footings based on ACI 318-11, ACI 318-14, Eurocode 2 (UK Annex). Additional code compliances will follow.
  • Axially loaded single piles and drilled shafts: Bearing capacity and settlement.
  • Groups of axially loaded piles and drilled shaft groups: Bearing capacity and settlement.
  • Laterally loaded piles and drilled shafts: Deflections, shear force, bending moment and soil reactions diagrams. Evaluation of failure lateral load.
  • Groups of laterally loaded piles and drilled shafts: Deflections, shear force, bending moment and soil reactions diagrams. Evaluation of failure lateral load.
  • Swelling Soils: Evaluation of free swell and swelling pressure; Evaluation of minimum required load of a shallow footing to meet maximum allowed heave; Evaluation of minimum length of pile to resist uplift due to surface swelling soils.
  • Flexible Walls: Evaluation of the ability of a selected sheet pile wall to retain soil is produced in the Flexible Walls page. In this tab, the user defines the geometry of a sheet pile wall, defines surface loads, selects a standard or custom sheet pile section, and examines the stability of the selected wall. If stability cannot be satisfied, or if the deformations are excessive, the user can select anchors and request a revised anchored design that meets set deflection criteria.
  • Gravity Walls: Evaluation of the ability of a gravity concrete wall to retain soil is produced in the Gravity Walls page. In this tab, the user defines the geometry of the retaining wall, the backfill(s) in front and behind the wall, defines surface loads, defines the seismic coefficients (if any), selects the method of solution, and examines the stability of the selected wall as well as its foundation.
  • Slope Stability: Evaluation of the stability of cut slopes, as well as fill slopes (such as embankments). In this tab, the user defines the geometry of a cut slope in the existing ground, or a fill slope (like an embankment on top of the existing ground. Additional input includes the phreatic line, surface loads, and earthquake loads. The safety factor is then evaluated based on Modified Bishop’s approach (also known as Simplified Bishop’s method).
What does Geotech Master™ cost?
Software license key – Locks software to ONE SPECIFIC COMPUTER$1000.00 Initial License
($500 annual renewal)
USB Dongle key – The software can be installed in as many computers as you like. 
However, it runs ONLY on the computer that has the USB Dongle inserted into it.
$1200.00 Initial License
($600 annual renewal)
Why is the Geotech Master™ cost so low?

We want to make it possible for EVERY engineer in your office to have a licensed copy of Geotech Master to avoid bottlenecks, where all designs must go through ONE software expert.  We hope that you will like this business model as much as our other customers do!